Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall is here!

Well the fall is here and we could not be more excited. Its so nice being able to take the boys outside anytime of day instead of at 8:00 in the morning before it gets to hot. Its has been so nice being in sweatshirts and jeans. The boys are soaking up all of the outside time and love playing in their sandbox any chance they get.

Tot school has been very informal for past couple of weeks. One week A was totally anti-school and wanted nothing to do with workboxes. This past week daddy went back to school and is working late nights at his other job so we are all adjusting back to a crazy schedule. We have managed sneak in some planned activities and have done lots of informal learning.

A who was totally anti-counting and anti-numbers has again showed me that just because he WONT do something doesn't mean he doesn't know how. For awhile now he has easily been able to count to 4 (when he wants to and never on command or when asked). This week since its been so crazy for all of us, he has had a lot of free play. Well the other day while playing with his puzzles (when I mean playing, I mean lining them up on the floor and hopping on top of each one. That's my A always thinking outside the box) I heard him counting. He would say 1-2-3-4, 5-6, 8-9-19. He was screaming it over and over as he hopped from one puzzle to the next. I was so amazed that he even knew the sequence and didn't mind at all that he was skipping 7. Even last night he started saying 8-9-10 in front of his dad and his dad was shocked. Just goes to show that toddlers retain a lot of information regardless if they l let you know or not.

I have been working on our printables because I am really working on writing with A. He has mastered a circles at about 1 1/2 so now we are working on control of the pencil. He is doing really well for the most part and loves tracing but lacks the patience to go slow and concentrate.  A did manage to make his very own A and was so proud. Usually I help him but he did it all on his own this time.

The learning placemat was a hit with A and he wasted no time identifying the letters he knew and telling me all about the pictures on it. I have taken a different approach with A on counting and numbers. I know now he does in fact know how to count and knows the sequence of the numbers but I do not think he gets the concept of what it means. He can tell you if you have one of something or two of something but when he is asked to count something he does not understand to apply a number to an object. I have decided to just present his numbers to him with groups of objects so he can visualize how many belong. I have not pushed him to count things and just let him do it on his own time. Along with grouping on the placemat I also did an activity for him where I put each number on an index card and then used little dot stickers to show how many with that number. I had A place pom poms on each sticker. To my surprise he actually liked it for a little bit.

Out outside time is going to be coming to an end soon so as of right now we are spending as much time as we can (meaning and much as I can take before someone runs off or doesn't listen) outside. A learned how to roll down a hill the other day and thought this was very fun. He has been enjoying looking for the ducks in our nearby pond, but since its colder weather they have all went to Florida or Taco Bell as A will tell you.

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