Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Awesome Oatmeal breakfast cookies

Ok I don't normally post recipes because lets face it I am no betty crocker but I do a decent job coming up with stuff. I just wanted to share this recipe that I came up with because I know all of us are thrifty mamas and do not like to waste anything.

Recently the husband and I finally got on Dave Ramsey's budget. Yes we are well on our way and it feels good. This problem with the budget is that it does not favor our shared joy of going out to eat. No Dave has a strict belief of the "beans and rice" diet until debt is paid off. Well our little M who rarely doesn't have food in his mouth is not found of Dave and is wondering where all his wonderful snacks went.

So on to my recipe. I have TONS of gerber baby oatmeal because M decided that he will not eat it anymore. I knew there was something that I could do with it and since this morning we had NOTHING for breakfast, I knew I had to come up with something. A is most of the time anti breakfast which leads to major meltdowns by 9 so I wanted to come up with something he would eat.... COOKIES.

I searched online for an easy oatmeal cookie recipe and tweeked it a bit. Here is the standard recipe.

1 c. flour
1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
2 c. instant oats
1 tsp. baking soda

Here is what I did. I kept the flour, butter, and baking soda the same and added

2 c. baby oatmeal
1 egg
I shredded apple with skin
1/2 cup sugar
some cinnamon
and about 1/2 jar of baby applesauce (I used this because it doesn't have any sugar)

Mixed all together, dropped onto cookie sheet with spoon and baked at 350 for 10 min.

Lets just say these breakfast cookies were AWESOME and really healthy since baby cereal has tons of vitamins and had fresh fruit. I am sure any fruit can be added. Enjoy!

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